Friday, April 24, 2009

Be nice, darn it!

I think it's funny that this was a prompt, because this whole situation has been on my mind a lot lately. Not in extreme amounts - but it still just kind of rubs me the wrong way. I definitely feed off of other people's vibes, so here you have it, my pet peeve of offensiveness.

When friends don't act like friends
One of the biggest things that I've realized since moving back to Syracuse is how important true friends are. That being said, I've also realized that I expect and anticipate that my friends (new, old, or otherwise) will treat me the way that I treat them. I've found that it isn't necessarily fair to assume, but still, I think common decency is severely underrated these days. There is nothing more off-putting to me than to feel like you don't really connect with people, especially people who you think are your friends. Even moreso, I truly believe that in order to have friends you need to be one. When I meet new people in a group of friends and get really hot and cold vibes from them, especially in the wake of me proactively trying to be their friend, it really only makes me feel like I deserve better. I don't view that in a pretentious or arrogant way on my behalf, just that everyone deserves to be treated fairly by their friends. I'm really the kind of person that will find someone I don't know, introduce myself to them, and then talk with them for a while; I like making people feel like they belong somewhere. If I'm trying to be your friend - key word here trying - maybe things just aren't working out. My best friends are the ones that I didn't have to exert any effort to feel wanted.

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