Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh, Fall

It's already mid-October?! I'm half-bummed and half-pumped at that, I suppose. Not too much new stuff is going on, by now everyone in the band has caught some crazy cold that's going around, so we have had spotty practices but we're still looking way forward to those two shows we have next week. We got our pumpkins out, started decorating for Halloween, made caramel apples... I love this time of year.

After a long 8 day streak of work, I took today off and got a lot of work done. I guess I don't even realize how exhausted I've become, but I definitely slept until 10:50 this morning. I haven't done that since... high school, maybe. But tomorrow will be a long day, I have an interview at 8am tomorrow morning, a doctors appointment at 10 (for this lousy 3 week cold), and then Kaleena and I are off to Fredonia for homecoming weekend. Looking forward to going back for a couple of days.

Friday, October 10, 2008

10.10.08 (2)

one reason to smile at work:

yes, that is a baby goat. in a bucket. chewing that sideways chew that they do.


So now it's Friday, the end of a pseudo-workweek. Monday was great, having the day off and then going with Casey to see The Junkyard Ghost Revival. It was very nice getting to see and catch up with Derrick, Buddy, and Anis, and as usual their show was amazing. It was unfortunate, however, that my cold had been so bad, because we definitely missed out on darts and foozball. The next day we went to the Everson Museum and checked out their Andy Warhol exhibit (yay the shoes and advertisement period!) and the Marie Antionette mannequin/fashion exhibit, where I just saw a lot of clothes i'd love and hair styles I wouldn't.

I'm going to put Wednesday into an image for you:

Working for my mom at 'walk to school day' at a Syracuse city Elementary school. There's Kaleena and myself, after she bravely battled a beatdown by several kindergarten students.

The rest of Wednesday and Thursday was devoted to work, and band practice, which brings us to today. I'll be working for a bit this morning, and then Kaleena and I are both going to back to work at Hafner's haunted house for 3ish hours. I've never worked at a haunted house, and yes, I'm afraid of the dark, so we'll just have to see how this goes.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Welp, work got canceled. So now that I've slept in an insane amount, I'm ready to get some stuff done.

And I just found out via my sister and the internet that The Dresden Dolls are on hiatus. Bum city. Understandable, but I was definitely hoping I'd see them live again sometime soon.

Still, a good start to the work week that's looking like (because of time off I've taken) won't be much of a 'work' week.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


So, this week is actually looking up already.

Monday will be fun, my friend and blogmate Casey will be coming up to see The Junkyard Ghost Revival at the Red House, along with dinner and fun times with Derrick, Buddy, and Anis. Stoked to see them again, and see them do their thing.

Also stoked for Tuesday, where I stumbled upon this little gem and will therefore be taking a personal day. How could I pass this up, especially with Casey with me??

Wednesday is a mascot day, where Kaleena and I will be playing "Dr. Health E. Hound" at a health fair. Oh, post-college. At least I have jobs like this to break up the monotony of window-washing.