Sunday, July 12, 2009


The past few days have been kind of busy for me, and oddly enough it wasn't really because of anything to do with the band. I have just been kind of getting myself back into the grind with having my computer back, and therefore having a lot of work to do for Hafner's and LaTresse.

Let's bring it back to Wednesday, first off. My mom had a dinner party for some members of her twins club (go ahead, laugh, it's okay), so naturally I offered to cater it. My list of 'foods to create' was just snacky kinds of things, no actual meal, but still, I wanted it to be interesting. So I made:

-roasted chick peas with ranch and garlic seasoning
-spinach and artichoke dip
-my mom made some taco cream cheese sort of wraps
-and we had a platter of hummus and crackers

I also made the dessert, but you'll find out what those were either later on today or tomorrow... you'll see why.

Surprisingly enough (none of the people there were veggie), everyone liked everything, and if you haven tried roasting chick peas ( I certainly hadn't before) DO IT. They're pretty awesome, and it's pretty minimal in terms of work. All you have to do is drain and strain a can of chick peas, pat them dry, and put them on a cookie sheet with some olive oil. Bake them at 350 for about 30 mins or until they get crunchy, and that's it! I chose to put some ranch dressing seasoning on it because of my recent obsession with snack mixes, but it's really all your call.

Thursday didn't really include too much 'new' stuff. I have taken on a part-time job with my dad's construction company as a runner to and from delivery companies and job sites. I actually really enjoy it, because it pretty much consists of a couple hours of a road trip by yourself along back country roads, where you can listen to whatever you want, or take great joy in the random street names and towns you pass thanks to my gps (I found a 'Doo' drive. AND it was in 'Suckersville.' I laughed for easily 10 minutes, and then thought about my level of immaturity and decided it was a good thing afterall). Then we had trivia night, and although the whole team didn't make it out a good amount of us did and we managed to place 3rd.

Friday I did some computer work, and then found out that Michael didn't have to work on Saturday (he got a job at a music store), so I decided to come out for the night so that we could hang out. I really enjoy that I have the ability to come out for a night to go on a date or just hang and then come back the next day... yay for not having a boyfriend 1000 miles away anymore! We went out to the Little theatre in Rochester and saw Woody Allen's "Whatever Works."

Now, I can't say I was disappointed with the film by any means because I do enjoy Woody Allen films, but I don't really believe it was his best. I've heard from some people that it would have been a better casting decision to have Woody Allen play the character portrayed by Larry David, and though I agree to some extent I also have a case for believing that the character was very uniquely Larry David. The overall acting was a bit sub-par to me, but I do think this has something to do with my common criticism of his work that the scripts would be much better served as a stage play. I did enjoy it, it was oddly reminiscent of "Manhattan," but our choices for the evening were this or "Food, Inc." and although I truly want to see the latter, we opted for a more upbeat one.

The Little theatre could very well become my favorite place in Rochester. It is absolutely amazing in my opinion (though I see to fall in love with any indie theatre), but the fact that it's an old warehouse-turned theatre is just so wonderful. Agh, I love it. Will return several more times.

Saturday ended up being pretty rainy, but lucky for us the rain seemed to stop as soon as we entered the Corn Hill area for the Corn Hill Arts fest. This was the underlying reason I wanted to go to Rochester this weekend, so I was so happy that we could make it, and that the weather was in our favor. Basically it's a festival lining the streets of this really unique and older homes area of Rochester right on the edge of the city, with hundereds upon hundereds of artisans, painters, potters, jewelery makers, etc. It is so much fun, and especially because I will be missing out on the NY State Fair this year I have to indulge myself in as many of these as I can.

When I returned home around 5:30 that afternoon, my dad and sister were getting ready to go on an organized ghost hunt of the Rolling Hills Sanitarium outside of Rochester, so I wished them luck and they actually didn't return home until 8am today. I'll have to find out how all of that went. My mom and I, choosing not to see any 'shadow people,' spent the evening shopping, after which she bought me a variety pack of Woodchuck Cider (go team), and we went home and watched the first half of season 1 of "Samantha Who?" Ah, the wonderful things that happen when evenings turn into "Girls Night In's."

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