Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'll read 'The Great Gatsby' one day

Ever since graduating I've been telling myself that I will start to read more... and I have. To a degree. Maybe. Well, okay, so maybe reading half a book doesn't really count, but still, I'm readinggg. I'm just setting myself up to be able to tackle a whole one, all in the same time period. I think that's why I'm putting off reading "The Great Gatsby."

No real delay...it's sitting on my nightstand. I've been meaning to get around to it, but it's just been one of those things. I suppose one reason I haven't started it just yet is that I've been on a kick of finishing all the books I've BEEN reading for the past 3 years (I have a tendency to read like 5 books at a time and never really finish any of them). I've been told I'll enjoy this book, so maybe before the end of the summer it'll happen.

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