Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Five

I am new to this whole 'Friday Five' thing, but it seems like a lot of fun after I've read a few of Rachel's entries. And plus, I'm totally a sucker for all those internet surveys you say you hate but really, you love. Probably because along with them comes a love of procrastination, which I am engaged in as I type this. So, without further adieu, here are my Friday Five:

  1. Where can you go for a really good bagel, and how do you like yours?
    oooh, Tim Horton's 7 grain (or 9 grain...I can't remember. There's just a lot of grains in them). We had a TiHo's right by my college, and sadly I haven't been to one since. They are amazing, and slap some strawberry cream cheese on it and you have yourself dessert that can count as any meal.

  2. What is your favorite style of doughnut?
    I'm not huge on doughnuts, but every once in a while I crave the ones with cinnamon sugar on them. Thanks, Volver. I watched that movie and really only took away from it that I need more of those in my life.

  3. What’s your favorite flavor of Lifesavers?
    I haven't had Lifesavers in FOREVER. But I think maybe the red ones? Or the green...

  4. What O-shaped breakfast cereals do you like?
    Cheerios seem to be the go-to O-shaped cereal; though Oh's are pretty great if you want to have your daily recommended intake of sugar for the week before 10am.

  5. How do you feel about onion rings, and where can you get some good ones?
    I feel great about them; I just don't feel great after them. I have strayed away from overly greasy food over the past few years, but Quaker Steak and Lube has some pretty amazing ones that I seem to be a glutton for punishment for.

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