Sunday, July 12, 2009

That's funny

When it comes to the question of what makes someone funny to me, I really think that a big part of that is the person's outward ability to be themselves no matter where they are. Being composed all of the time isn't necessarily the best way to be, and if you're out having a grand old time and other people can see that, chances are they will too. Laughter and happiness is contagious, and I think that being able to come out of your shell and being a little more outgoing is awesome. The best reference I've seen as of late is in the film "Away We Go," where Burt (John Krasinski) and his wife (Maya Rudoph) are in Phoenix visiting her sister. There's a scene where Burt is on his cell phone on a business call, steps away from the table on an outdoor patio, and puts on leg up on the edge of the patio (about a foot or two off the ground). For some reason, he starts to do lunges, not really intentionally doing anything to gather attention, but holy crap I couldn't stop laughing. My boyfriend even mentioned it to me after the movie, wondering why it was so funny. Being yourself and letting it shine through and just doing what you do is in my opinion the most amazing trait, and oftentimes will go hand in hand with making someone smile and/or laugh.

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