Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Garage Sale-ing

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything really substantial about my life, but I think I'm finally starting to get it together. I don't even remember what day it was (sad, isn't it?) but our yellow lab, Bently, had to get rushed to the dog vet after having another breathing attack. He was ten years old, but still keeping it together, and after a night in the hospital the family came to a very difficult decision that it was his time to go.

It was really hard for me, he was really my buddy and it's taken a lot out of me. The past year has been really crazy, and having to come to terms with life not always going the way you want it to on top of numerous trying times and tragedies it's been... really rough. I miss him so much.

It's been a really difficult summer for my family, but through everything we've been through it's a constant reminder how lucky and blessed we are to have everything that we do. My mom underwent a pretty serious surgery, and thank goodness everything went well and now she is better. Being diagnosed with a cancer (though operable) is really really emotionally straining on everyone involved, and having to go to wakes and funerals and just knowing other people who passed over the past few months from this terrible disease didn't make it any better.

But, onward and upward. I've been quoting so many cliches lately. When it rains it pours. Life goes on. Everything happens for a reason. Live every day like it's your last. All dogs go to heaven.

I'm sick of being sad, sick of being frustrated, and ready to get my running shoes on and start up the minivan. I've spent too long allowing all the bad things in life to control my feelings and actions. We're all still here, and every day is a gift.

That being said, I am trying to surround myself with friends and things that make me happy. I went downtown with my mom and sister yesterday, and I tried selling back a box of like 30 used cds (to which sound garden took 1... an unopened sevendust album. don't ask), and I got a whopping 5 bucks. But either way, I got season 2 of 30 rock, stopped by the chocolate store, and went to pasta's and got some bread and sauce for dinner.

That night I also spoke to NYC photographer Paul Williams, who took some AMAZING shots of the group at our Arlene's show, and he's going to be coming out for a week in August to shoot our album artwork. That means dresses and pictures and dressing up and he and I are heading all the concepts... I am so excited.

My family is having a garage sale this Friday and Saturday, and I've also been viewing that as an opportunity to get rid of things that I don't need or don't wish to be attached to anymore. It's oddly freeing, even if just to get rid of old cds, hoodies, etc. I have also decided to give up a hobby of mine, sewing, and I'm getting rid of all my old lace, fabrics, ribbons, etc. The DIY period of my life has come to an end, and I realized I have to pick and choose what I do in my free time. I have picked music first, and if I have time to get back into it, painting and drawing. Cooking will always be around, but I just don't have the time or space to devote to making dresses or bags or anything else anymore. I have a sweet sewing machine though, so if I ever change my mind the craft store isn't too far away :)

Oh, sigh. I need more happy. I need to feel like I'm enjoying the summer. And I don't think it's ever too late to start, so here I go.

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