Tuesday, June 23, 2009

my life as a starving artist...

I think that what I'm doing right now (trying to pull off the whole 'full-time band' thing) is such an amazing opportunity, and yet it can be so difficult sometimes. It's like your job is to be creative on a daily basis, where if you're not doing something with the band you should be writing songs, like it's just 'something we do'... which it is, but lately with everything going on it's been SOOOO HARD to channel that creative part of my mind. My best songs always seem to get written in about a half hour, on some random night, like the melody and harmonies and lyrics just fall from the sky and into my lap. I wish I could control that, that would be rad and I'd probably have made some pretty sweet songs :)

The other side of this is that, being an unknown band (right now!), we're struggling to figure out the steps we have to take to bring us up to that theoried 'next step.' That step, by the way, is what everyone in the industry will tell you is what you want to attain. They may like your stuff, but they'll just tell you to keep it up and wait for the next step... I know it'll come, but goodness gracious, I wish it would quicken it's pace. Given, our album isn't out yet, and I know that when it is good things will happen... even if just for ourselves. We all truly believe in every song on this album, and think it has great potential, and every night we practice we have so many ideas about our live show, songs, interludes, etc to make us an all around better band, and make people like you all (or ten) come and see us and enjoy the experience.

Gah. This is all stemming from the fact that I have writer's block. And I hate it. At least I've been able to keep busy making banana pudding with nilla wafers and black bean soup for my mom. Both so far have been a success, though the soup tastes- and even smells - salty. Hmm.

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