Sunday, June 21, 2009

I should probably do a little elaboration...

I just finished up that last blog and realized I didn't really do any sort of description of my tattoo and why I got it. Basically, it's Joan of Arc's signature. I managed to find (and research to make sure it really is hers!) it a few years ago, and I automatically thought that it would make a good tattoo for me.

I've always been fascinated by her story, and although I'm not preachy or huge into the church (I view religion as a personal thing, and don't feel that I need to share my beliefs with other people to justify what I believe or try and get people to share my beliefs). The bottom line for me is that I think you should be a good person; you should lead a good life and no matter what you believe, who you believe in (or not), you will be rewarded for doing so.

So anyways; over the past year I've gone through a lot of changes and life isn't working out in the ways that I really thought it would (does it ever?), having a constant reminder of such an amazing (and yes, it ends tragically) story and life is inspiring to me. I've always been drawn to her, even from a young age...and not for any particular reason. When a few people asked me "Why hers?" I feel like I may not give a great response ("Because I really admire her"), but it's more of a feeling towards her, her story, and what she means to me in my own life. Plus, it's not like it's a real legible or familiar signature, so I don't really have to worry about people making assumptions about who or what it is... it's just for me.

And, while I'm on another blogging kick, I thought I'd plug this book I'm reading (and thoroughly enjoying). It's called "A Working Stiff's Manifesto: A Memoir of Thirty Jobs I Quit, Nine That Fired Me, and Three I Can't Remember" By Iain Levison. I've always been a fan of non-fiction/essays/pop culture analysis, and his attitude and tone of this book drew me in immediately. The story is about his difficulty trying to find a job in his field (a degree in English), and how he manages to go from job to job, from fish cutter, to waiter... it's hilarious. And oddly empowering. I know everyone at some point goes through what I'm going through, but it's always nice having the reinforcement that it's the truth. And you get through it, get out of it, and move on to bigger and better things. Plus, it's real short, so good for the short attention span! (ahem... me).

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