Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Time to say goodbye for a little while...

So today was our last day in Nashville. We really didn't do too much because we had to pack up the apartment and run some errands, but we did go on a few nice walks. We went down to Hillsboro Village this morning so that Michael could close out his bank account (so I went to Fido and got my coffee), and then we walked back later just to go back to the area. The walk there from his apartment (if you don't go down the main road) is absolutely gorgeous; it borders the University and this church convention center-ish place (we're not too entirely sure what it is), and then eventually you walk through Peabody College. It is SO nice. I'm going to miss this place terribly.

Later on, it was a free-for-all in Michael's kitchen. We had pasta and meatballs and broccoli, leaving only a jar of salsa in the fridge and a couple of yogurts for the morning (go us!) I always kid with him that he just has a thing for carbs, and sure enough our snacks for the ride tomorrow consist of what was left over in his cabinets: cheez-its, oyster crackers, and tortilla chips. Gotta love it.

Oh! And before I forget, we went back to Gigi's one last time, and they had this cupcake that I have always been wishing they'd have on the times I'm visiting and never do. It's called the Sugar Mama or something like that, it's basically a caramel cake with caramel icing with caramel and sugar babies on top. Overload, you may think... but I assure you it was just 100% awesome. It may be a good thing we're heading back to NY tomorrow though, because I have been eating far too many amazing cupcakes. I will be visiting the treadmill often once I return, though we do an awful lot of walking around here.

After dinner we went on one last walk around Music Row. I think the place is even more amazing after dark, with all the studios lit up beautifully, and really the place is quite dead at night. No one around, a few people walking their dogs... I keep reminding myself to take mental pictures of this place. Aghh I'm really going to miss it here.

But I promised myself that I will be back, and I will. Only next time, I'll be working here. Hopefully as a songwriter and artist. I really needed this time here, kind of a kick in the rear if you will, since being out of school. I ended up in a pretty nasty funk for a good while, and I think this is exactly what I needed to get me out. And I already have my list of potential 'reach' apartments, though I will be holding out for the wonderful top floor two-level loft apartments at the Adelicia. One day.

So, tomorrow we depart at 6am. We plan on doing it all in one shot, meeting up with Michael's friend from the English Department in Fredonia who is doing grad work now at the University of Miami in Ohio for lunch. It'll be about 4 hours into the drive, leaving 8 to go, so hopefully we can make a nice stop in Cleveland or Erie along the way, and then finish off the drive to Rochester.

I'm going to go catch up on an episode of 30 rock, then hit the hay. I always hate the day before a move though, empty apartments and rooms can be so lonely feeling. Still, I give Michael serious props for fitting his whole life - and me - in a Camry. I will photograph this feat. It's blue ribbon worthy.

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