Friday, September 18, 2009

Radio Interview and Show Tonight

I will have to post on the past week once I get some time to settle down, because it has been pretty nonstop this week. With rehearsals every day lasting about 5 hours and studio time on top of it some days, it's been a pretty exhausting week but we are all very excited about it all.

Tonight we will be interviewed on 570 WSYR's Jim Reith radio show at 5:06pm (the show runs pretty on point, so tune in then!!) for some chatting with Jim about the tour and cd, and we will be doing an acoustic in-studio performance live on air.

Immediately following that we will be headed to the Lost Horizon for our Bon Voyage Party/Show. We go on around 10pm, there are bands before/after (I love how they do that there... who wants to see a headliner play at 1am?! They're thinking about the earlybirds, like myself. And I suppose Aaron, because I don't think he could stay awake long enough to play a set then). It's all ages, 7 bucks, and there is a bar. So come on out, say hello, and listen to some great music!!

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