Monday, September 7, 2009

Photo Shoot and Studio

(Here's a shot from the last shoot we did with Paul- a little preview if you will of what's to come :) )

We wrapped the album artwork photoshoot last night after another evening with Paul Williams. After the last shoot that we did with him a few weeks back we tweaked previous shots to get what we think is pretty rad artwork; front cover, back, and some et ceteras.

(Speaking of etc's... we played dress-up the dress mannequin.)

Matt, our webmaster, continued filming the shoot for a documentary he is creating on the entire experience surrounding our lives through this album to when we leave for SW Asia (from which Leena and I will continue with little Sanyo video cameras we bought for tour... I'll make sure to post everything I can if we get some internet while over there here, on our official site, and on our youtube page). But anyways, I'm pretty sure that his blooper reel will be longer than the actual documentary... we laughed, we (laughed until we) cried, we drank and got crazy... ask anyone who's had the opportunity to work with us, we're a special bunch. Mr. Big became involved. His music, that is. Their music, that is.

For some reason, the weather in Syracuse has been real weird lately. It feels borderline fall some days. Yesterday was one of those days. While dressed in formalwear, 50 degree weather can be a bit chilling, and although we got there around 3 the shoot didn't actually start happening until closer to 10. But, we treked through it. I played air guitar on my sister's leg. Paul captured that moment, among many others that I feel we will need to share with all of you at a future date. Overall it was a real success, and I'm very excited to start working on the artwork concept and layout, which I'll hopefully be putting together while overseas (having something to do that doesn't necessarily require internet will definitely be a good thing).

Today we're in the studio, and will be for the next couple of weeks. Our goal is to knock out as much work on the album as physically possible so that we have as little work to do once we return from Asia. E is recording some drums, Aaron will hopefully be putting some bass tracks down (he's the only one with a stricter day job for the next week and a half), and then the rest of us will come in whenever we have some free time during the days to put our parts down before our evening rehearsals.

As per usual, the facebook phenomenon 'Farmville' is capturing far more time from our band than is appropriate, causing us to break in practices so that people can harvest their crops. I didn't want to get involved as I've been trying to stay away from my computer as much as possible lately (to boost the productivity of other things in my life, and lately I've been wanting to read more), but they twisted my arm and now I'm stuck managing a farm on top of everything else... the responsibilities just keep on racking up.

Welp, I think that's enough dry humor for the day, I realized I didn't take any pictures from the shoot yesterday but I do have a behind-the-scenes one from last time that my sister grabbed on her phone of me doing my individual portrait. Hello, sassy knife-thrower:

(Can I tell you how scary it is to be known for being clumsy and having a knife that can cut a piece of paper in your hand while wearing 4-inch heels on a palette? Brought new meaning to the word 'dangerous')

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