Sunday, September 20, 2009

One Week...

It's hard to believe that we're leaving a week from tomorrow. The past few weeks have been very hectic, trying to sort through all the (literal) baggage, the flights, the show, etc. We are now even a bit more nervous after getting paperwork about the dress code. Looks like I'll be losing my nose ring (hopefully it won't heal up and I can put it in every night), and I'll need to grab myself a sweatband to cover my tattoo (women aren't allowed to have them in that part of the country). I'll also need to do some shopping, because it appears as though I will only be able to wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts (hopefully it will be different on the bases because it's going to be very hot still).

Other than all that I'm trying to start packing and cleaning and getting myself psyched on going over there. It's very easy to let all the craziness of traveling to the Middle East get to you and overshadow the great honor and privilege we have been given. It's sneaking up, so I'm hoping these next few days I can chill out :) I went to Rochester yesterday/today to get away with Michael and eat good food and watch movies and meet up with friends. All of which I did, all of which was awesome.

As for this week, tomorrow holds a flu shot for this girl, band practice 12-5, and a meeting at 7pm. Tuesday Michael heads up and starts rehearsing with us (he's in DC for a job interview!!) and Taryn (Jess' sister, going with us as our tour manager) comes up, and so from then until the end of the week our days will be filled with prepping. Going away party Saturday, the band (I missed the boat on this one) will be heading to NYC to see Sunny Day Real Estate on Sunday, and then Monday... well, you know.

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