Friday, February 6, 2009


Well, we have reached the beginning of February, and although there is nothing spectacular to report, I have managed to fly twice in two weeks: once to Nashville, and now I am typing from my Grandmother's house in Zephyrhills, Florida.

My laptop was in need of repair after one of the hinges fell off of it mid-January, and thanks to the Geek squad at Best Buy, my laptop had a free trip to Louisiana for 3 WEEKS. Not having your laptop is something I have never gone through before, and yes, it is as bad as it sounds. I had to download photoshop to computers I had access to in order to do work; I went on vacation WITHOUT A COMPUTER. But strangely enough when I got it back, I kind of got that sinking feeling, similar to going back to college the first day back from break.

Nashville was fantastic, it included a trip to Gigi's cupcakes (my...favorite place ever.), a Lucero show, seeing a friend from Fredonia, and a trip to the Loveless Cafe (my just about favorite place ever). Now I'm taking in all of the glory of Florida in early February (which is record lows and freezing temperatures overnight). We'll be here until Monday though, and the weather is supposed to get into the high 70s. Stoked.

So, February. I've got a birthday, a show, and hopefully a lot of recording going on for the duration of the month. Here's to hoping things start to materialize this month.

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