Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bridge Street and The Lost

The past week or so has been pretty awesome, got together with some friends, played a lot of music, went out to Rochester, and visited a goat farm. I'm a fan, always have been of those little buggers. As a matter of fact, driving out to Rochester I had to find myself a detour due to a train apparently stuck to the tracks that landed me driving alongside the CUTEST field of little goats, all hop-running. And that mixed with the ting tings blaring out of my minivan stereo, a half-eaten box of sugar babies, and no one behind me so I could slow down and watch was just a fantastic combination.

Sooooo anyways, yesterday we were on live on Central New York's Channel 9 morning show "Bridge Street." We had a really great time, got to play outside on a beautiful day, and everyone at the show was really great. We had a little interview regarding the upcoming tours, played a song, and then played out into every commercial break (so we got to basically watch the entire show from our own private gazebo. rock and roll). There is a link to the main interview and song right here.

We will be keeping in touch with the show, sending pictures and whatnot and may come back on after we return from Germany; I'll keep everybody posted via this and/or our myspace page.

Also, we will be playing our last and final show before we become an INTERNATIONAL touring band (yayyyyy!) at The Lost Horizon in Syracuse tomorrow (Friday the 27th) with Vapor Aevum, Endive, and The Andrea Doria. The show starts around 9:30 and we are slated to go on around 11:30. It's all ages, and $5 at the door. We will also have you know that we got some new stickers in this afternoon (well, like 10 minutes ago) that will be tagging along with us to that show. So yeah, do it up.

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