Tuesday, August 26, 2008

End of August : Ch-ch-ch-ch changes

So, I know it's been a real long time since I've been able to 'log' all the stuff going on in my life, but in all honesty, I don't know where August went. July, well that's obvious, but when I stopped by the pottery place down the street from me (where I tend to work for "play" time) and the owner asked when I got back, I almost felt guilty for not coming to visit sooner. But, really... I don't know where I've been.

We've had some interesting ups and downs since returning back from the Greenland/Germany tour, and it's almost strange to think back to all the amazingness that happened over those few weeks. It's all so much different now, and though Syracuse has responded incredibly well to our return and given us tons of great press, I am starting to feel the high highs and low lows of doing this full-time. Though I must say the lows aren't really all that bad, I mean seriously... I'm playing music. For a job. It's sweet. But having no solid income (and... not being able to make a certain amount of money to keep health insurance), working at the summer job you had last year until you went back to school (though I do love the job and the flexibility that I have at this place with my schedule). It's just all foreign, and it's strange not going back to school.

Two new band members since we got back. Messed up as it sounds, it has been the best and worst time for the band. As I'm sure you could guess, it's super hard to lose members; it's so close to a relationship that you're never sure how to get around it or what to say, or anything really. But the new group is sick; we're really clicking, and it's freaking awesome. We're starting to work on new material for the album. Stoked. Plus, now I have legitimate 'homework' to do. And I get to play with my new amp (not that I couldn't before, but now I NEED to).

So, now is it. When all this talk starts happening. I'm so sick of waiting on people to make big things happen, but at the same time sometimes all you can do is wait. That's where I am. Sort of.

Starting to paint again too. Every time I go out I make sure I get myself to an art supply store and buy something, so that I will eventually have all the tools I need to paint, and I'll have no choice but to because I am spending money on it that I really don't have to spend on hobbies right now. So... we'll see. But it's a necessary thing for me right now.

1 comment:

M said...

Keep it up- you're so incredibly talented and there's no doubt that big things are coming.

Looking forward to the release of your new album.